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Stuff I Don't Get, or in Teen Terms, "I Literally Can't"

        I am all for a diverse society that accepts individuality and understands that we don't
all have to agree on everything. But I am sorry, there are just certain things I simply cannot be bothered to care about whether it was due to my upbringing or exposure (or lack thereof) to specific experiences. Here they are—
      1. Anime
  I know a lot of people who are interested in anime. It goes right over my head. The storylines, characters, outfits, and whatever the hell else anime consists of don't appeal to me. But anime is apparently a huge thing, which is cool because it's shining a light on Japanese culture. I just have a really hard time holding conversations with people about it or even pretending to find it fascinating. 
      2. Hunting, Fishing, Camping
  Not sure why I lumped all these together. I guess because I associate them all with camouflage and the wilderness. I hate the outdoors. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'll go on walks, meander around amusement parks, watch fireworks outside, bask in the sun at Lake Okoboji, and play at parks with the kids I babysit (or by myself, 18 year olds can do that, right?), but too much time exposed to fresh air makes me feel a little antsy. I also hate ants, which are outdoors and in the grass a lot. But specifically with these three activities, seriously, I could think of twenty other things right now that I'd rather do. 
The only time I plan to hold a gun is if I become a famous actress and get cast in a kickass role that requires me to be armed and awesome. Otherwise, I cannot be trusted to aim a weapon at a helpless animal for hours on end. 
  My family went fishing on Big Bass Lake in Minnesota when I was little and I seem to remember an incident where the fishing hook punctured my finger. So that's probably why I don't fish anymore. It seems like a tedious task for food that I don't even enjoy eating. No thank you. 
  If I marry a man who loves to camp, I think I'll be able to handle it....if we buy an RV with air conditioning, outlets, and plumbing. That probably makes me sound spoiled and boring, but I saw an episode of Teen Wolf where these two women were camping and then the tent was covered with bugs and so the woman freaked out and ran away into the woods where the bugs then ate her alive. Now I know I can't base my likes & dislikes off of a show about supernatural occurrences, but still, camping means crowded, animals, bugs, darkness, and dirt. Those are not any of my favorite words. 
      3. Makeup
  I do feel bad about my lack of interest for this topic since I'm a theater major and transformation of the face (utilizing whaddya know, MAKEUP) is a huge part of that. I would love to know how to bless my face with the magical glamour that celebrities rock everyday effortlessly, but then I remember, I don't really care. I am blown away by beautiful faces that have befriended makeup to make magic, but my motivation in this realm is so low that I shall wait for my future (that will never come) of me sitting in a chair for two hours while makeup artists get paid (not by me) to make me appear much less "meh." 
  I know girls who can talk each other's ears off about their favorite makeup brands and what exactly they would buy with a $500 gift card to Sephora. Which brings me to my next point: I am cheap. I rarely buy makeup products over $10. You will never see me buy a NAKED palette or a $30 brush/applicator. You will however see me buy the slightly more pricy brand ALMAY because I have sensitive skin. I'm sure the results of mass quantities of makeup are pleasing and worthwhile to some, and power to you! I could just think of so many other things I'd rather spend my money on, like candy bars and bread. 
I wish more girls were comfortable with their natural face. I admit, I do put on under-eye concealer daily, because otherwise people would start to assume I have a sleeping problem due to the painfully obvious dark circles always present. Otherwise I only give my face that 10 minute makeup routine if I'm going to be in front of individuals I want to impress. I figure I have to live with my natural face for a while, I might as well get comfortably acquainted with it now. 
      4. Gym Rats
  I admire people who like going to the gym. I associate the gym with insecurity, awkwardness, and sweat. That's basically me in a nutshell. However, I do enjoy the adrenaline of working out and knowing I treated my body well. But I can only treat my body well for so long. The people who spend 3+ hours at the gym baffle me. Like really, you don't have anything more fun to do? I guess I should acknowledge that the gym is a happy escape for some people whereas it's my personal hell to confront my muffin top and my shame of fit people watching me struggle to lift 30 lbs. I mainly go to the gym so I can feel content being lazy after I ran (OK, jogged) five (alright, two) miles. Of course I value physical activity and developing healthy habits, so I've learned to make peace with all the gross that comes with the gym. But I have not made peace with bro tanks garnering tasteless sayings on them, people who post a picture of themselves flexing during every workout session (geez, your arms look totally different than yesterday), and guys who flaunt their weight-lifting abilities as if it impressed me more than their GPA or what their parents think of them. 
      5. Coffee
  I've been to Starbucks twice. The first time I ordered Lemonade Tea or something like that. The second time I ordered a Java Chip. I do not have a burning desire to ever visit Starbucks again. I like my $1.49 16 oz. hot cocoa from Kwik Star. It's tasty, it's cheap, and I don't have to sound pretentious when I order it. Oh wait, I don't even have to order it! Yeah, don't try to get me to like coffee, because I won't. 
      6. Video Games
  To this day, my favorite video game is "Mary-Kate and Ashley: Sweet 16-Licensced to Drive." I played it a lot with my sister on our PlayStation 2. I also used to be obsessed with my Nintendo DS and I took it everywhere with me, including church (sorry Jesus). I can spend countless hours binge watching a TV series I'm into, but I cannot sit in front of my television with a controller shooting at monsters or bad guys till 3 a.m. I consider it boring, a strain on my eyesight, and a colossal waste of time. 
      7. American Horror Story
  I will forever love Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuck for creating Glee which was an inspiring and uplifting show about how what makes you different makes you special and the underdogs have a fighting chance if they stick together. Now I don't know how in the hell those two same guys created AHS. I do not understand the hype surrounding this show and I've even seen a few episodes. I found it to be strange, gory, and absolutely too difficult to follow the madness happening before my eyes. No offense FX, but I'll continue to stick to the heartfelt comedy genre. 

        So there you have it! Seven things I will probably always be disillusioned by. Remember, I am my own person who has a right to her own thoughts and opinions. So I shouldn't judge when someone says that The Office isn't funny, or Sara Bareilles isn't a genius songwriter, or writing blogs is stupid. But I mean, who would ever actually say that? ;P


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