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Major Anxieties and Minor Annoyances

My inner monologue is weird, comical, tragic, and I hope not entirely unique to me. As I wrote these down, I kept wondering if they were common amongst other teenagers. It's easy to assume that I struggle alone and in silence, but I decided to be vulnerable and share these to show anyone else who feels remotely close to how I do that they're not alone and it's OK to divulge a bit of your crazy now and then. <3
 Major Anxieties
  • Does God seriously have a plan for me?
  • What if I live far away from my immediate family and only see them on holidays? What if I'm not close enough to my sister to be the kick-butt aunt I plan to be?
  • Do I believe in soulmates or simply settling for someone I get along with?
  • What if my best friends don't stay my best friends?
  • Do I have any clue what I want to do with my life?
  • Is my body the reason boys aren't interested in me?
  • Will I let down all the people that believe in me more than I believe in myself?
  • How will I function when my parents are no longer alive?
  • What if I fall in love with a man who doesn't want kids?
  • What if I easily forget things, people, and memories in my old age?
  • Am I too afraid of no longer being single and losing that independence and control over myself?
  • Am I the least interesting person on the planet?
  • Do the people I love know that I love them, appreciate them, and would not be the same without them?
  • Am I actually a good person or do I just try to be one and fail?
  • How will I learn how to properly handle finances, disasters, and my future?
  • Does everything really happen for a reason?
  • Am I the kind of daughter my parents hoped I'd be?
  • What if I'm always too scared to say what I really feel?
  • What if there's nothing special about me?
  • Will I always let my past define and debilitate me?
Those are pretty heavy fears of mine and probably heartbreaking to my mother, so let's move on and  lighten it up!
Minor Annoyances
    -Why must people walk so slow?
    -Why do people still think the words "retard" and "gay" are fun insults? THEY'RE NOT.
    -Will I always have a bird nose?
    -Why is healthy food so damn expensive compared to 89 cent donuts?
    -Why must my TV shows go on hiatus?
    -Can I please stop turning red when I'm embarrassed?
    -Do you really have to go into the shower right next to me when there's four other vacant stalls?
    -Why is there always SO much to do and SO little time?
    -Why do I get sick of my 10+ car CDs?
    -Can I stop sweating now please?
    -Why is it so hard for me to fall asleep and then just as difficult for me to crawl out of bed in the 
    -Geez, am I the only one who is this much of a mess?
    -How can girls look so put together and pretty every day? Like, stop that.
    -Why are "please" and "thank you" not utilized more often?
    -Why do students brag about not doing their homework? Get your act together!
    -What if the dark circles under my eyes only get worse?
    -Why do I idolize famous people so much when it only depresses me that I'll never meet them or 
      be friends with them or make out with them? (that last one is just in reference to Dylan O'Brien)
    -How can people who have never taken a piano lesson just plop down at the piano and play
     beautiful melodies of their own creation?
    -Why do students not listen and then proceed to ask questions that have already been answered?
    -Why oh why do I continue to eat when I'm not hungry?

Ta-da! 40 questions that I surprisingly think long and hard about (insert "that's what she said" joke here) on a frequent basis. There's plenty more and these will most likely change as I get older, but it was rather cathartic for me to enter inside my mind and heart for a little while. Don't be afraid to venture deep folks! (insert another "that's what she said" joke)


  1. Ugh.. I can relate to most of these even as a guy. The turning red when embarrassed one and the one about idolizing famous people. :( ugh...right in the feels.

    1. Glad you can relate my friend! :) I'm sure you also agree that it's frustrating when girls look better than you all the time ;)


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