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Libby's ABCs

     I use my IMDB app more than I use my Weather app. I watch a lot of t.v. and movies. There's nothing more satisfying to me than to be able to shout, "Oh! He/She was in ____!" As much as I try to remind myself that actors and musicians are normal human beings like you and me, I tend to know more about them than I do my actual friends. I basically only follow celebrity accounts on Instagram and Twitter.


    Outback Steakhouse, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, and Texas Roadhouse. All of these places have one thing in common: I gain ten pounds after eating at each. I love bread. At our holiday family dinners, I eat more dinner rolls than anyone else, and after ten, I still want more. Bread makes everything better.

     I swear I'm not just going to talk about my unhealthy food habits. But ever since I was little, my obsession with cake (especially frosting) was very evident. Birthdays make me giddy because I associate them with cake. I'm an extremely picky eater, but cake allows me to be more lenient. I'll eat vanilla, chocolate, marble, angel food, ice cream, red velvet, etc. I draw the line at lemon though; that's just ruining a good thing. My golden birthday is this year and I'm going to treat myself to a giant ice cream cake that I may or may not share. It depends on how close I am with you.


     I was terrified to start driving. My mother screamed repeatedly whenever she rode with me. I remember being so nervous for my first driving practice with my driver's ed advisor. Also, no one told me that driving was a one-footed task until I had already been practicing with two! It took me a while to become acquainted at the wheel, and driving in bad weather still scares the crap out of me, but I'm much more comfortable now. So comfortable in fact, that driving is a kind of peaceful escape for me. The four hour drive from college back home and vice versa gives me a lot of time to do some thinking and singing.


     I don't like to say that my life is boring, because I'm blessed and enjoy what I've been given, but sometimes I am straight up bored. Same stuff, same day, same routine; it can wear me out. So when anything comes up that's out of the norm, I look forward to it all week, month, or year. For example: parties, haircuts, new movie release dates, concerts, etc. It's only March but I'm really stoked about going to my friends' hometowns in April to see their school musicals, to witness my amazing sister graduate college in May, to see Florence + the Machine and Adele live in concert this summer, and attend my first wedding which will be my cousin's in November. Yes, I anticipate these things and sometimes they turn out to not be as exciting as I had hoped, but I firmly believe that looking forward to what's to come, big or small, is how I carry on so contently.

     My dad could make me laugh at the drop of a hat when I was younger by saying "butt roast." Don't ask me why I thought that was hysterical, because I really don't know. But I do know that even now, at 18 years old, farting cracks me up without fail. Whether it's in real life, on t.v., or movies, or sound effects. I own a fart sounds book courtesy of my mother. The word turd always makes me laugh too. I'm weird.

Gas Stations
     If there is a Heaven and if I end up in it, I sincerely hope it's a giant gas station. Gas stations have anything and everything I could possibly want or need. Usually it's at a cheap price and not much else makes me happier than an 89 cent muffin. I miss Kwik Star from my hometown more than I miss my bed.


     Speaking of beds, I love climbing into a clean, warm hotel bed with soft pillows and easily reachable lights on the bedside table. I had two birthday parties at a place called Stoney Creek Inn and it was this delightful wilderness-themed hotel that my friends and I adored. Everything about hotels makes me feel like I'm in a different, more relaxing world. Oh, and I can't forget about the free breakfast! <3


     I believe I've spoken about this in posts before, but I really don't like the outdoors. I like air conditioning and fans and carpet and being barefoot without stepping on sticks or hot cement. I hate dirt, bugs, and getting sunburnt. My neighborhood friends from back in the day were so into playing outside and I was always secretly disenchanted.


    Three people in my life stand out as fantastic jammers. Their names are Bryce, Chandler, and Andrew. When the music is up so is their energy and it's incredibly infectious. I have had many a dance party with these men and it brings me such gladness to bask in our weird jam habits together. Bryce likes to use his hips, Chandler sings with every song he jams to, and Andrew likes to bob and weave his whole upper half. I prefer to jump up and down and/or orchestrate the song with my hands. Anyone who is willing to let go and humiliate themselves with me for the sake of a sick ass beat is definitely a keeper.

Keeping things with sentimental value
     My room is basically an homage to anyone and everyone I have ever loved. There's pictures, posters, jewelry, quotes, etc. strewn about in no logical fashion. I probably have 50+ cards, hand-written or store-bought, that special individuals have given to me. Granted, the majority of them come from my mother; she's the best. It makes my heart happy to look back and reminisce on all the goodness that surrounds me.

     I am absolutely one of those people who laughs more because of someone else's laugh rather than at the joke itself. My Twitter handle is @lovetolaughlc and it will never change because it'll never stop being true.

    My goal was to steer away from obvious answers, but my taste in music is one that I feel to be very different and random. I have a self-made CD that goes from The Little Mermaid's "Part of Your World" to Nickleback's "Rockstar." I don't actually hate country music. I stay really open minded when it comes to music. For example, right now I can't stop listening to "Work" by Rihanna ft. Drake because it gets me in the groove, but I've also had a song called "Something" by Julien Baker on repeat because my fellow music enthusiast Tucker played it for me and it's so captivating. Music is my addiction, my healer, my escape and my one true love.

     I own more notebooks and journals than any human being ever needs. Putting pencil (or pen, depends what mood I'm in) to paper is one of my favorite pastimes.

Okoboji, IA

    So many memories are tied to this place. I've been vacationing there with family and close friends since I can remember and we treasure the experiences we've had together. My father is no longer a county attorney which means this vacation no longer exists. That hurts my heart more than I care to admit. Fillenwarth Beach in Okoboji is beautiful and will forever remain one of my favorite places.

Pepperoni Pizza

     Pizza Hut's pepperoni pizza hits the spot every time. My family isn't too fond of it though so I often sacrifice my preferred deliciousness for plain old cheese. Anytime a pizza count is being taken and someone replies with pepperoni, I immediately like them more.

     My future house will be covered in quotes. Dumbledore's quote about quotes sums up my feelings perfectly: "Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic." My Pinterest is 99.9% quotes. I'm always discovering new ones that inspire me and fuel my soul. 

Running through worst possible scenarios

     I consider myself an optimistic person, but I also let anxiety rule my life. So if there's something to worry about, you best believe I'll be worrying. Luckily, life has never fully kicked my butt with tragic surprises, but that doesn't mean I don't expect it to.

Song Lyrics

     I can't express how much I would love to be a brilliant and moving songwriter. The reason I am drawn to indie pop artists is because their lyrics are usually rich with emotional context. Lyrics can make or break a song for me. Here are some songs that contain my most beloved lyrics:
          Poke- Frightened Rabbit
          Explosions- Ellie Goulding (the bridge!!)
          Holocene- Bon Iver
          Corner of Your Heart- Ingrid Michaelson
          Poison & Wine- The Civil Wars
          Bright Lights and Cityscapes- Sara Bareilles
          Underwater Bride- Passenger


     I have a very unhealthy obsession with television. It started in middle school and snowballed from there. Here are the shows I have watched every single episode of or am still continuing to watch:
          Make It or Break It
          Gilmore Girls
          One Tree Hill
          How I Met Your Mother
          The Office <3
          Covert Affairs
          Faking It
          Grey's Anatomy
          Teen Wolf
          The Mindy Project
My love for television links to many of my other loves such as music and quotes. I learn a lot about myself and the lessons of life through these entertaining and heartwarming shows.


    I may have been a straight A student in high school and I do currently live on an Honors Floor, but I'm kind of a ditz. So much stuff goes right over my head and I tend to have a confused expression plastered on my face at all times. The geography class I'm in right now causes me to zone out into dream land. It's three times a week and I barely retain ten minutes of it. Surprisingly, I'm not failing. I just love when I understand whatever I'm immersed in. Math frustrates me, music theory is a pain, technology makes me want to cry, and I don't even bother getting involved with political or economic talk because I literally have nothing to offer.

Vending Machines

    The chubby little Libby in me adores this invention. I smile on the inside whenever I see a vending machine. I may not utilize it, but it's simply comforting knowing that I could. 


     I always stopped at the wishing well in the mall with my mom when I was younger. I also make a wish anytime I see 11:11 come around. If I get a birthday cake with candles, I'm definitely wishing a grand 'ol wish. It's my hopeful conscience saying, "You're a good person Libby. If you wish hard enough, the Universe will be on your side."


     Haha, yeah no. I got nothin'.


     I have mentioned that I love actors and love music. You know what outlet has a ton of that....YouTube! I have spent an embarrassing amount of time watching interviews with celebrities. YouTube also gives me the opportunity to support my musically talented friends such as Victoria, Mary Elizabeth, and Antonio

Zip Up Sweatshirts

     Nothing says comfy like a sweatshirt and sweatpants. It's usually my go-to attire on the weekends. I can get in and out of zip-ups so easily and I don't have to worry about my figure in them.

I'm sure this is more information about me than you care to know, but hopefully something stands out that you can relate to. :) I encourage you to share your ABCs with the world as well. It's a freeing, unapologetic statement of, "Here I am in all my strange and unique glory!"


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