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Showing posts from 2015

Well Western, Here's What's Up...

          I can't say that college has been everything I thought it would be. In fact, it's nothing like I expected, but that's why it has been so rewarding.     The things I was most nervous about for college were living with a roommate, having completely new classes dedicated to a major, and figuring out how to balance everything. I still struggle with that last one. However, my roommate is super cool and it's a great experiment with respect and responsibility to be forced to coexist with another person. One of the greatest blessings of college has been living on the Honors Floor. I am surrounded by creative, intelligent, accepting, unique females whom all have a fabulous sense of humor. The way we have bonded so fiercely and faithfully in this short time amazes me.     Believe me, I received a good education in high school, but being a musical theatre major means I am enlightened every single day by things I have never even thought about before. I have profess

Faith, Trust, and a Little Please Don't Let Me Freak Out

      I am not good with goodbyes, or change, or being left on my own. So college is a great place for me!       Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of things I'm looking forward to about my new adventure, but to be honest, I've never felt more unprepared for something. And that's not just because I'm procrastinating on packing. Emotionally, this is going to be hard.       I've written plenty of blog posts discussing why I hate how temporary people can be, because I've been lucky enough to have so many great experiences that allowed me to be in the company of individuals I really bonded with, sadly for only a short while. If I thought leaving them was difficult, I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that in one short week Marshalltown and the house that I've lived in for 10+ years will become pretty temporary for me. The routine and convenience I'm so used to will disappear. My dear friends from high school will be scattered in various lo

I Wish. I Know.

    First of all, if you caught that the title are lyrics from Into the Woods, we should be friends immediately. My favorite people are those who are never afraid to be themselves. It's so rare nowadays to find someone who doesn't conform, give into peer pressure, or alter their personality when with certain people. That's such a sad thing to me, because I know I do it, and if I notice pretty easily how other people's behavior changes, I'm sure they notice how mine does too.     I assume the habit comes from a place of insecurity. We put masks on and hide our real identity so as not to feel embarrassed or ashamed when we discover we don't fit in. I can very well admit that I have a strong desire for people to like me, which means I try not to step on any toes, share unpopular opinions, or make myself stand out in any way, shape, or form. Then I realize that that's not an honest representation of myself, but I still do it, because I'm a huge people pleas

Saying Goodbye to Glee

         I was introduced to Glee in 7th grade. My mom purchased the first half of season 1 on DVD because she had heard the media raving about it. My sister and I sat down with her to see what the hype was all about. Once Mr. Schuester exclaimed, "From the top!" after the glee club's first official performance of Don't Stop Believing I was hooked. Glee was a whole new exception to my TV series obsession. I had never been so excited to watch more episodes of a show before. Honestly, I could have watched all 13 episodes on the DVD that very first night we chose to view the pilot.          This TV show came into my life at the perfect time. Middle school wasn't horrible, but it was awkward (well duh, it's middle school). There was so much going on with Glee that I felt totally resonated with my early teenage years. Being insecure, discovering my passions, crushing on guys who didn't know I existed, stressing about my social standing, etc. There was no othe