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Showing posts from 2013

Let's Talk About Concerts

    I decided to write a post about one of my many loves; concerts. My very first concert was the Beach Boys and I’m sure I would have loved it, but unfortunately I have no recollection of it whatsoever. So the first real concert I can recall is the Cheeath Girls with Hannah Montana. Great first, right? Haha. From there my desire to go to concerts grew and I’m lucky enough to be able to say that thus far I’ve attended, hoping that my count is correct, 23 concerts.         I’ve had a strong love for music ever since I was young and the idea of seeing an artist sing one of my favorite songs live and in person was mind-boggling to me. It’s good to enjoy an artist’s entire repertoire, but we all have to admit that there’s always that one song we love to hear more than the rest. The songs I can remember flipping out over in concert are as follows:                          -This One’s For the Girls (Martina McBride) ·                               -How to Save a Life (The Fray)

My Time at McNally :)

 Just this last Thursday I took off to St. Paul Minnesota for a vocal workshop at McNally Smith College of Music. I received a brochure in the mail and it seemed like it would be a good time. Fortunately, I was right. Actually, I was more than right because my experience at McNally was so much more special than I bargained for. Now I'll be honest, thinking about being 4 hours away from home at a camp where I would know absolutely no one scared the crap out of me. I'm not the most outgoing person, so I was worried that making friends would be a challenge. Thankfully, I was wrong in that assumption. Let's start with my roommates. Mary, Eileen, and Nina all appeared to be chill girls that I could get used to living with for 5 days. Little did I know that these girls would become some of my favorite people in less than a week. We were able to laugh, share our stories, insecurities, and love for singing together. When I think about the best parts of this trip, I think about