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Showing posts from May, 2018

Recent Reflections

I wonder... I wonder what it would be like to let my truth flow from my lips and not judge every bit of it as it does I wonder how it'd be different to actually live freely in the moment with my friends and not hate myself for experiencing a new kind of buzz I wonder if I'll one day be able to scroll through my feed late at night and not deem my beauty insufficient compared to the masses I wonder if it'll ever become easier for me to trust my loved ones with my brokenness and not hope that they continue to view me with special glasses I wonder how I would change if I learned to take up space and not convince myself that my light doesn't work that way I wonder what it would feel like to actually want  to hold a guy's hand and not listen to what that self-conscious voice in my head has to say I wonder when I'll learn to embrace the hurt that accompanies being human and not shy away from what disturbs my safe, familiar shell I wonder w