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Showing posts from October, 2015

Well Western, Here's What's Up...

          I can't say that college has been everything I thought it would be. In fact, it's nothing like I expected, but that's why it has been so rewarding.     The things I was most nervous about for college were living with a roommate, having completely new classes dedicated to a major, and figuring out how to balance everything. I still struggle with that last one. However, my roommate is super cool and it's a great experiment with respect and responsibility to be forced to coexist with another person. One of the greatest blessings of college has been living on the Honors Floor. I am surrounded by creative, intelligent, accepting, unique females whom all have a fabulous sense of humor. The way we have bonded so fiercely and faithfully in this short time amazes me.     Believe me, I received a good education in high school, but being a musical theatre major means I am enlightened every single day by things I have never even thought about before. I have profess