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Showing posts from July, 2013

My Time at McNally :)

 Just this last Thursday I took off to St. Paul Minnesota for a vocal workshop at McNally Smith College of Music. I received a brochure in the mail and it seemed like it would be a good time. Fortunately, I was right. Actually, I was more than right because my experience at McNally was so much more special than I bargained for. Now I'll be honest, thinking about being 4 hours away from home at a camp where I would know absolutely no one scared the crap out of me. I'm not the most outgoing person, so I was worried that making friends would be a challenge. Thankfully, I was wrong in that assumption. Let's start with my roommates. Mary, Eileen, and Nina all appeared to be chill girls that I could get used to living with for 5 days. Little did I know that these girls would become some of my favorite people in less than a week. We were able to laugh, share our stories, insecurities, and love for singing together. When I think about the best parts of this trip, I think about