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Showing posts from August, 2019

Always Taking Notes

     I was talking to someone recently about how post-grad life feels, and I tried to articulate how weird it is to know I won't be returning to school again in the fall. Something that has been so routine and dependable for more than a decade of my life has changed. I'm aware that there are ways school can become a staple in my life again, such as attending grad school or teaching, but for now I'm attempting to make peace with the unknown and uncover the excitement that can come from no predetermined obligations. My schedule is really mine to do what I want with; that's crazy!      Something else I expressed to this person is that while I may not be immersed in a schooling environment, I still like to describe myself as a student. I truly do love learning in its many forms, and I think if you shut yourself off from it once you leave a formal education setting then you're going to miss out on a lot of growing opportunities. Life itself is probably the ultimate teac