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Showing posts from June, 2016

I Am the One Thing in Life I Can Control

    We have in the BFA program a weekly meeting of sorts called "seminar." It's where we present the songs we've been working on in voice lessons to our peers. We're encouraged to offer constructive feedback and after one song my lovely friend Pauline made a comment saying, "I think you can be scared in more than one way." It was a simple suggestion of perspective, but considering it has stuck with me for a couple of months now, Pauline's words contained an important weight.     Fear has never been simple to me, as someone who has dealt with anxiety since as long as she can remember. My fear wouldn't let me sleep, be away from my mom, flip off a diving board, or make many friends. Then it refused to let me make mistakes, to make my own choices, or to accept what made me different. I'm 19 now, but fear still unfortunately plays a huge part in my life. It doesn't allow me to perform to the best of my abilities, to live my truth, or to reco